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Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself IELTSCUECARDS-VINODSHARMAIELTS

Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself. Introduction. Sports is something that everybody enjoys to play and watch. This really disconnects us from the real world and makes us totally engrossed in the game. Playing sports helps to strengthen our physical and mental strength while watching it also can give an adrenaline rush if the game reaches a tough competition. - What it is Here I am going to talk about football and it's my most favorite game all over the world and people are die hard fans of this game. In my country India people are cricket fans they enjoy playing and watching cricket and football is less played compared to cricket. - When you watched it. I am a cricket fan and I have played this game regularly since my childhood. Recently our city council decided to organize all outdoor games in the sports club and the motive was to promote sports so they included football teams from nearby towns. In summer all this games

Describe A Skill That You Learned in Your Childhood IELTSCUECARDS-VINODSHARMAIELTS

Describe a skill that you learned in your 
A person needs various skills in order to become successful and reach the pinnacle of success. Childhood is the period when one is curious and wants to know anything and everything and skills learnt during this time remain with us for whole life. I have learnt many skills from my parents, teachers and professional people. Today these skills help me achieve my goals and targets.

- What the skill was.
Here I am going to talk about reading skills. It looks and sounds boring but it is the most wonderful skill I have learnt. In the beginning I felt bloated when I started reading books and magazines. I was literally unable to focus and concentrate so I shared my issue with my grandfather who helped me a lot in my initial days.

- Who taught you this skill?
My grandparents are just awesome. They teach me important things in the simplest way. The first thing my grandfather did was figure out my interest and then gave me some interesting books and magazines to read and also had a small discussion over a coffee every evening.

- How they taught you.
When I started reading the books he gave according to my interest I just started liking and a habit was formed and I started reading newspapers and out of curiosity I started to read politics, economics, fashion, sports and developed interest just because reading became my hobby. Moreover, I also started reading spiritual and religious books which helped me be a better person.

- And explain why you think it is important.
Today I can say I am well aware about everything happening around me in all the fields and people come to me just for knowledge and discussion over many topics. With my interest in reading I keep an eye on everything that helps me personally and professionally in the front league.

Describe a skill that you learned in your 

Childhood is a crucial period for skill development, laying the foundation for future capabilities. Playful activities foster cognitive, motor, and social skills, shaping a well-rounded individual. As children explore and engage, they cultivate problem-solving abilities, creativity, and resilience that serve them throughout life.
- What the skill was.
Here I am going to talk about swimming that I learnt in my primary days. I had anxiety about water and my teachers, friends and parents insisted that I learn swimming. I tried a couple of times and I drowned so water became the biggest fear of my life.
- Who taught you this skill?
As time passed I saw my friends doing watersports and swimming so I got inspired with some motivation from friends and training from an expert coach. I started swimming daily in a sports center near my home. I never skipped a day and with regular practice I learned swimming and my fear totally vanished.
- How they taught you.
It was difficult for me just because I had water phobia and with this condition to step inside water is so challenging. Actually I needed a person who can do good counseling and remove my water phobia. My coach Mr.Bansal did it. He is a champion in watersports. With his help today I can not only swim but dive deep in water and do scuba diving.
- And explain why you think it is important.
I feel awesome after learning swimming as it is the best exercise for the whole body. After learning I went on a beach holiday and did swimming and surfing. I really felt the depth of water and waves while surfing. There was an adrenaline rush in my body. I was so confident about my swimming skills that I did not have a drop of fear in me.

Part 3 Follow Up Questions 
1. Where do children learn skills in your country?
Children in my country typically acquire skills through a combination of formal education, informal learning at home, and participation in extracurricular activities. Schools play a significant role in imparting academic and social skills, while families contribute to a child's foundational skills through daily interactions and guidance. Additionally, organized sports, arts, and community programs offer opportunities for skill development outside the academic setting.

2. What are the differences between learning skills on your own and from others?
Learning skills on your own allows for individual exploration and self-paced discovery. It fosters independence, creativity, and a sense of ownership over one's abilities. On the other hand, learning from others, whether through formal instruction or informal guidance, provides structured knowledge, shared experiences, and a faster acquisition of established techniques. Both approaches complement each other, offering a well-rounded skill development experience that combines personal initiative with the wisdom gained from collective knowledge.

3. What important skills should a child learn?
Children should learn communication, problem-solving, creativity, social skills, critical thinking, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and basic financial literacy for a well-rounded foundation in the modern world.

4. What skills do you think teenagers should have?
Teenagers should possess crucial life skills such as effective communication, time management, critical thinking, decision-making, emotional intelligence, financial literacy, and digital literacy to navigate the challenges of adolescence and prepare for adulthood.

5. Who should teach teenagers skills?
Teenagers can learn skills from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, mentors, and through self-directed learning. Schools, community programs, and online resources also play important roles in imparting valuable skills to teenagers.

6. What are the differences between children learning skills and adults learning skills?
Children often learn skills through exploration, play, and guidance, emphasizing foundational abilities. Adults, on the other hand, typically approach learning with more developed cognitive abilities, self-directed motivation, and a focus on practical application, often driven by specific goals or needs in their personal or professional lives.

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