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Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself IELTSCUECARDS-VINODSHARMAIELTS

Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself. Introduction. Sports is something that everybody enjoys to play and watch. This really disconnects us from the real world and makes us totally engrossed in the game. Playing sports helps to strengthen our physical and mental strength while watching it also can give an adrenaline rush if the game reaches a tough competition. - What it is Here I am going to talk about football and it's my most favorite game all over the world and people are die hard fans of this game. In my country India people are cricket fans they enjoy playing and watching cricket and football is less played compared to cricket. - When you watched it. I am a cricket fan and I have played this game regularly since my childhood. Recently our city council decided to organize all outdoor games in the sports club and the motive was to promote sports so they included football teams from nearby towns. In summer all this games

Describe A Person Who is Good at Making People Feel Welcome In His/Her Home IELTSCUECARDS-VINODSHARMAIELTS

Describe a person who is good at making 
people feel welcome in his/her home.
In my country guests are always welcome by heart and people show love and respect when they have visitors at home. People visit each other on festivals and various special occasions. Elderly people are very much careful and they are always happy to welcome guests as iny culture guests are equally treated as God.
- Who this person is.
Here I am going to talk about my father who is very much loved by all who visited our home. He loves to welcome all my friends and our relatives. And my father loves when guests visit our home. He is person who always believes in showing kindness and welcoming gestures. 
- How you knew him/her.
Well he is my father and we live together in a house. We have visitors, friends, colleagues,and neighbors at our home. My father is somebody who is always talking to something in the drawing room. The person can be known or unknown. My dad treated them with love and respect.
- How he/she makes you feel welcome.
Now this actually depends on time. If the person is early in morning, he likes them to join us for breakfast, same applies to lunch and dinner. My dad believes we should take good care regarding food and beverages as this is taught by my grandparents to him. After asking about this he talks with them and makes them feel comfortable. If the person has come to help them, my dad really makes sure he helps the needy. Children really enjoy his company as he keeps them happy by buying them ice cream and Candy's.
- And explain how you feel about this person.
I feel lots of love and respect for my father as he is so much loved in our circles everybody likes him and respects him. Nobody has a bit of hesitation when it comes to visiting my place. They are always happy to celebrate events and festivals at my home as my dad is good at taking care of the rest of all things.

Part 3 Follow Up 
1. Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why?
Yes, in my country, people frequently invite others to their homes as it's a cultural norm to strengthen social bonds and foster a sense of community. Sharing meals and spending time together at home is considered a warm and hospitable gesture, promoting close relationships.
2. What do you think of serving food to visitors?
In Indian culture, serving food to visitors is highly valued as a symbol of hospitality and respect. It reflects a host's generosity and the importance placed on creating a welcoming atmosphere for guests, emphasizing the communal aspect of sharing meals.
3. What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes?
People who value social connections, family ties, and community are more likely to invite others to their homes in Indian culture. This practice is often embraced by individuals who prioritize building strong relationships and creating a sense of warmth and inclusion within their social circles.
4. Who is more likely to invite others to their homes, people in the countryside or people in the city?
In Indian culture, both people in the countryside and the city are equally likely to invite others to their homes. Hospitality is deeply ingrained in the culture, transcending urban and rural distinctions. The emphasis on building connections and fostering a sense of community is prevalent across diverse geographical settings.
5. Are tourist attractions in the countryside more popular than those in the cities?
The popularity of tourist attractions in India varies, but both the countryside and cities have their unique appeal. While cities often attract tourists with historical landmarks and cultural hubs, the countryside is cherished for its natural beauty and traditional experiences. Preferences depend on individual interests, with some favoring urban vibrancy and others seeking a serene escape to rural landscapes.
6. What facilities are there in the tourist attractions in your country?
Tourist attractions in India typically offer a range of facilities, including guided tours, information centers, souvenir shops, and food stalls. Many places also provide amenities like restrooms, parking, and in some cases, accommodations for visitors who wish to stay overnight. The goal is to enhance the overall visitor experience and cater to diverse needs.

#IELTSCueCard #VinodSharmaIELTS #HospitalitySkills #WelcomingHost #HomeAmbassador #SocialGrace #CulturalHospitality #WarmthAndInclusion #CommunityBuilder #EffectiveHosting #JanToAprilSpeakingTopic
