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Describe A Sport That You Only Have Watched Before But Have Not Played Yourself IELTSCUECARDS-VINODSHARMAIELTS

Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself. Introduction. Sports is something that everybody enjoys to play and watch. This really disconnects us from the real world and makes us totally engrossed in the game. Playing sports helps to strengthen our physical and mental strength while watching it also can give an adrenaline rush if the game reaches a tough competition. - What it is Here I am going to talk about football and it's my most favorite game all over the world and people are die hard fans of this game. In my country India people are cricket fans they enjoy playing and watching cricket and football is less played compared to cricket. - When you watched it. I am a cricket fan and I have played this game regularly since my childhood. Recently our city council decided to organize all outdoor games in the sports club and the motive was to promote sports so they included football teams from nearby towns. In summer all this games

Describe An Achievement/Success You are Proud Of IELTSCUECARDS-VINODSHARMAIELTS

Describe An Achievement/Success You are Proud Of. 


Everybody should have a goal and they should work tirelessly to achieve their dreams. Dedication and motivation from family and friends also helps one to stay focused. Every success has a struggle story. Achieving our goals makes us feel proud and makes us role models in our family and friends.

- What you did.- When did you do it.

Here I am going to talk about my IELTS exam when I achieved my desired band score and got admission in a well-known University Canada. When I was studying in my third year of bachelor's, one of my family members encouraged me to go abroad for higher education in the Masters program. So along with my college studies I started taking language classes. A high band score is required for higher education in Canada. With regular practice in all the four modules I achieved my desired band score above seven and I became eligible for my master's program.

- How did you feel about it.

I was so excited about my education abroad as I have heard so much about Canada and its practical education system. I felt that my hard work paid off and I have opened doors to my bright future.

- Why did that achievement make you proud?

My friends and relatives came to congratulate me and everyone was asking me to guide their children to achieve a good band score. This feeling really made me feel proud of myself. My parents were extremely happy and blessing me for my future education. This achievement made me proud.

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Model Answer 2

Describe An Achievement/Success You are Proud Of.


Success is something that everybody wants and to achieve heights of success one has to face many difficulties, challenges,and struggle, in fact everything in the beginning is difficult just because of lack of knowledge, awareness and skills, we have anxiety about it. But with practice, hard work and attention we can achieve anything.

- What you did.- When did you do it

Here I am going to talk about swimming that I found difficult but after learning I felt like an achievement. Right from my childhood I had anxiety about water and my teachers, friends and parents insisted that I learn swimming. I tried in my childhood and I drowned so water became the biggest fear of my life.As time passed I saw my friends doing watersports and swimming so I got inspired with some motivation from friends and training from an expert coach. I started swimming daily in a sports center near my home. I never skipped a day and with regular practice I learned swimming and my fear totally vanished.

- How did you feel about it

I feel awesome after learning swimming as it is the best exercise for the whole body. After learning I went on a beach holiday and did swimming and surfing. I really felt the depth of water and waves while surfing. There was an adrenaline rush in my body. I was so confident about my swimming skills that I did not have a drop of fear in me.

- Why did that achievement make you proud?

It was difficult for me just because I had water phobia and with this condition to step inside water is so challenging. Actually I needed a person who can do good counseling and remove my water phobia. My coach Mr.Bansal did it. He is a champion in watersports. With his help today I can not only swim but dive deep in water and do scuba diving.



Part 3 Follow Up Questions

1. How to measure a person’s success?

We can measure a person's success in academic and professional ways. When a person succeeds in achieving good marks in academics and gets a good job or becomes a successful businessman, we can believe the person is successful.

2. Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

Absolutely yes the way people gain success has changed today people have to compete in different fields and achieve success.technology is also helping them to achieve their goals by reaching more people and serving them. 

3. How do you define success?

I define success in many ways. The first one is self satisfaction and happiness in the family. When the primary needs are satisfied and health is in pink I believe a person is successful. At times when we can help others and our community also makes a person feel successful.

4. How to reward successful people? 

We can reward people in many ways by greeting them, awarding them with certificates and rewards. We can also acknowledge their work and thank them by celebrating their success. This makes them feel happy.

5. What’s the most difficult thing you have ever done?

I have done many difficult things like learning various skills, cracking competitive exams, winning in sports, and saving a life in the time of pandemic situations. These are some difficult things I have done.

6. What qualities does a person need to have, to be successful?

There are many qualities a person needs to be successful. The first is punctuality, Time management, dedication, hard work, and commitment. Apart from this communication skills and leadership is also required to achieve success.

7. Do you feel terrible when you fail to do something?

No, I do not feel terrible and down. In fact I take failure as a lesson and I start working again with more attention,dedication and motivation. These qualities of mine make me a strong personality.

8. Is failure a necessary thing in people’s life? 

Failure is the first step in progress. When a person starts doing something or learning, failure is the first stop. Which people face should take this as a part of a successful journey. And failure makes a person strong and more committed towards their goals.

9. Is it important for young people to have some achievement?

Absolutely yes, youth have a lot of aspirations and achievement in various activities makes them feel proud and confident in their work so they should achieve and celebrate success.

JANUARY TO APRIL 2023 (With answers)


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NOTE – The examiner gives you one minute to plan your answer, and to help you prepare for the topic, the examiner provides you with a pencil and a notepad. You’ll have to answer the questions given on the topic for one-to-two minutes.

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